Job Opportunities
We are constantly looking for individuals who possess the following knowledge, skills, traits and behaviors to join our pool of qualified management systems auditors. Individuals who meet the competence requirements are cordially invited to submit their resume to us for processing.

Required Knowledge and Skills
  1. Knowledge of business management practices
  2. Knowledge of audit principles, practices and techniques
  3. Knowledge of specific management system standards/normative documents
  4. Knowledge of certification body’s processes
  5. Knowledge of client’s business sector
  6. Knowledge of client products, processes and organization
  7. Language skills appropriate to all levels within the client organization
  8. Note-taking and report-writing skills
  9. Presentation skills
  10. Interviewing skills
  11. Audit management skills
Desired Personal Behaviors
  1. Ethical (fair, truthful, sincere, honest and discreet)
  2. Open-minded (willing to consider alternative ideas or points of view)
  3. Diplomatic (tactful in dealing with people)
  4. Collaborative (effectively interacting with others)
  5. Observant (actively aware of physical surroundings and activities)
  6. Perceptive (instinctively aware of and able to understand situations)
  7. Versatile (adjusts readily to different situations)
  8. Tenacious (persistent and focused on achieving objectives)
  9. Decisive (reaches timely conclusions based on logical reasoning and analysis)
  10. Self-reliant (acts and functions independently)
  11. Professional (exhibiting a courteous, conscientious and generally business-like demeanour in the workplace)
  12. Morally courageous (willing to act responsibly and ethically even though these actions may not always be popular and may sometimes result in disagreement or confrontation)
  13. Organized (exhibiting effective time management, prioritization, planning, and efficiency)